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Yanar Dagh

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Information About Yanardag

Yanardag is a unique and famous natural phenomenon located on the Absheron Peninsula of Azerbaijan. The constant flames burning on the slope of this gas-rich mountain have earned it the name "Yanardag," meaning "burning mountain." Yanardag is significant both historically and geographically.

1. Geographical Location

  • Yanardag is situated approximately 25 km from Baku, near the Mammadli village on the Absheron Peninsula.

  • This area is one of the few places in the world with eternal flames and possesses unique geological features.

2. The Burning Phenomenon

  • The primary reason for Yanardag's flames is the natural gas escaping from underground to the surface.

  • When the gas seeps through cracks in the mountain and comes into contact with oxygen in the air, continuous flames ignite.

  • Remarkably, the flames persist even during windy or rainy weather, making it an extraordinary and rare site.

3. Historical and Cultural Significance

  • Since ancient times, Yanardag has been considered a sacred site by the followers of Zoroastrianism, who viewed fire as a divine symbol.

  • Historical records about "eternal flames" on the Absheron Peninsula date back to the Middle Ages and were documented by both locals and travelers visiting the region.

4. Tourism and Importance

  • Today, Yanardag is a highly popular tourist destination, attracting both local and international visitors.

  • In 2007, the Azerbaijani government established the Yanardag State Historical, Cultural, and Natural Reserve.

  • The reserve includes a museum providing information about Yanardag, recreational areas, and various services for tourists.

5. Mythical and Scientific Interest

  • Numerous local legends and mythical stories are associated with Yanardag. Among the local population, there are beliefs that the mountain possesses mystical powers.

  • From a scientific perspective, Yanardag is considered a unique phenomenon, even in gas-rich regions around the world.

    6. Surrounding Environment

  • The area around Yanardag features a semi-desert landscape, typical of the Absheron region.

  • The flames have minimal impact on the surrounding environment, maintaining ecological balance.

Yanardag is one of Azerbaijan's natural wonders and a rare cultural monument tied to ancient history. Visiting this site offers an opportunity to witness Azerbaijan's rich natural heritage and historical significance up close.

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